Pozdravljeni tekmovalci

tukaj so finalni rezultati Alpe Adria triatlonskega pokala 2023. Preverite, če je vse ok in če ste označeni z zeleno barvo, ste nastopili na vsaj treh tekmovanjih in ste uvrščeni v finalne rezultate:

Hello competitors

here are the final results of the Alpe Adria Triathlon Cup 2023. Check if everything is ok and if you are marked with green color, you have participated in at least three competitions and you are included in the final results:

AATC 2023 – Ranking Female Overall

AATC 2023 – Ranking Male Overall

AATC 2023 – Ranking Female Kids E to Juniors

AATC 2023 – Ranking Male Kids E to Juniors

AATC 2023 – Ranking Female Seniors

AATC 2023 – Ranking Male Seniors

Nadaljnja navodila sledijo. Razglasitev bo v soboto, 7.10.2023 v Poslovni coni Komenda.

Further instructions follow. The announcement will take place on Saturday, October 7, 2023 in the Komenda Business Zone.